004FF900 | -141977 | Filename for Lastreplay | 12 | 1 | | Contains the string "LastReplay". |
004FF90C | -141974 | Replay Speed Limiters | 4 | 7 | | The speed in milliseconds to spend each frame during a repl… |
004FF928 | -141967 | Replay Command Table | 16 | 2 | | Contains the replay commands "show" and "hid… |
004FF948 | -141959 | Replay show command modifiers | 32 | 12 | | Contains sub-commands and leaderboard values to use in the … |
004FFAD0 | -141861 | Menu Info Array | 12 | 27 | | Contains the menu index, background index, and menu path. |
004FFC20 | -141777 | Campaign List Info | 8 | 85 | | Contains the campaign listing info. WORD gluHist.tbl inde… |
004FFF60 | -141569 | Establishing shot pointers | 8 | 65 | | 64 entries defining campaign mission prologue/establishing … |
0050C000 | -129241 | cInit Constructor Function Table | 4 | 310 | | Standard C-Runtime. Generated by Visual C++. |
005122A0 | -122929 | Campaign list pointers | 4 | 6 | | Pointer to memory location of details of first mission in S… |
005122B8 | -122923 | Current Cinematic ID | 4 | 1 | | An index for the currently playing cinematic. |
005124D8 | -122787 | Game Speed Refresh Rate | 4 | 7 | Simple Data | Contains the value in milliseconds required for each frame.… |
005124F4 | -122780 | Replay Speed Refresh Rate | 4 | 7 | | Contains the time in milliseconds spent each frame. Array i… |
00512510 | -122773 | Image Update Functions | 8 | 18 | | An array of image functions. The array is officially called… |
005125A0 | -122737 | Image Drawing Functions | 12 | 18 | | This corresponds to a value in images.dat. The official nam… |
00512678 | -122683 | Active Nation ID | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | This is the same as Human ID unless you are playing Team Me… |
0051267C | -122682 | Active Human ID | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | This is your player ID. The official name for this is g_Act… |
00512680 | -122681 | Active Storm ID | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | This is your active storm ID, which is different from your … |
00512684 | -122680 | Local Nation ID | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | The official name for this is g_LocalNationID. P1: 00 P… |
00512688 | -122679 | Local Human ID | 4 | 1 | | The official name for this is g_LocalHumanID. |
0051268C | -122678 | Local Storm ID | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | The official name for this is g_LocalStormID. |
00512690 | -122677 | Cinematic File Name Array | 4 | 28 | | Contains string pointers for the file names of all game cin… |
00512700 | -122649 | Race Filename Modifiers | 8 | 1 | | Contains 3 bytes "ztp" used when loading race-spe… |
00512708 | -122647 | Cursor Filename Array | 4 | 19 | | Contains pointers to a string for each cursor image. |
00512754 | -122628 | Cursor Scroll Type Modifiers | 2 | 10 | Unsupported | Contains the index for the cursor used for scrolling. |
005127DC | -122594 | Tileset Color Cycle Pointers | 4 | 9 | | Contains pointers to the tileset color cycle data. Array in… |
00512800 | -122585 | Trigger Action Function Array | 4 | 60 | | Contains function pointers for all trigger actions. |
00513B68 | -121343 | Mouse and Keyboard Scroll Speed | 7 | 7 | Supported | Edited by PereC, 2021.04.12 For SC:R, In menu - Options -… |
00513B68 | -121343 | Mouse Scroll Speed Array | 7 | 7 | Supported | Amount of Mouse Scroll Speed. Array index dependent on mous… |
00514178 | -120955 | Unit Reqs data | 1090 | 1 | Simple Data | Packed list of opcodes/parameters for data requiremens. … |
005145C0 | -120681 | Upgrade Reqs data | 838 | 1 | Simple Data | |
00514908 | -120471 | Research Req Data | 318 | 1 | Simple Data | |
00514A48 | -120391 | Tech Use Req Data | 688 | 1 | Simple Data | |
00514CF8 | -120219 | Order Req Data | 1316 | 1 | Simple Data | |
00515A98 | -119347 | Trigger Condition Function Array | 4 | 24 | | Contains function pointers for all trigger conditions. |
00515B84 | -119288 | Damage type/factor multipliers vs unit size | 20 | 5 | | Weapon damage typa, against each unit size struct { i… |
005187E8 | -116447 | s_button Offset | 12 | 250 | Backed By Code | +0x00 (EPD -116447) Number of available buttons. 0 = Butt… |
005193A0 | -115697 | Unit Infomation | 12 | 228 | See Description | Edited by PereC, 2021-06-05 In SC:R, 64-bit starcraft igno… |
00519E50 | -115013 | Mission Briefing Action Function Array | 4 | 10 | | Contains function pointers for all mission briefing actions. |
0051A280 | -114745 | Player 1 Trigger List | 4 | 3 | Backed By Code | |
0051A28C | -114742 | Player 2 Trigger List | 4 | 3 | Backed By Code | |
0051A298 | -114739 | Player 3 Trigger List | 4 | 3 | Backed By Code | |
0051A2A4 | -114736 | Player 4 Trigger List | 4 | 3 | Backed By Code | |
0051A2B0 | -114733 | Player 5 Trigger List | 4 | 3 | Backed By Code | |
0051A2BC | -114730 | Player 6 Trigger List | 4 | 3 | Backed By Code | |
0051A2C8 | -114727 | Player 7 Trigger List | 4 | 3 | Backed By Code | |
0051A2D4 | -114724 | Player 8 Trigger List | 4 | 3 | Backed By Code | |
0051CA14 | -112212 | Last Random Number | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Randomization seed for the next random number, mask with 0x… |
0051CE84 | -111928 | Network Mode Delay | 4 | 1 | Read Only | 1 in single player, 2 in LAN, 5 on battle.net. Described… |
0051CE88 | -111927 | Network Mode Delay 2 | 4 | 1 | | Appears to be a duplicate of 0x0051CE84. Not sure which val… |
0051CE8C | -111926 | Inverse System Time | 4 | 1 | | Value : -GetTickCount() (about 10ms error) Used for inpu… |
0051CE98 | -111923 | Fog of War Update Counter | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Set to 0 to update FoW. Toggle between 0 and 1 in separa… |
0051CED0 | -111909 | GRP Array | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Pointer to each GRP for each images.dat entry |
0051F2A8 | -109615 | Images Attack Overlay Array | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Pointers to GRP handles for all images. |
00520244 | -108616 | Images Damage Overlay Array | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Pointer to LO? handles for all images.dat entries. |
005211E0 | -107617 | Images Special Overlay Array | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Pointer to LO? handles for all images.dat entries. |
0052217C | -106618 | Images Landing Dust Overlay Array | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Pointer to LO? handles for all images.dat entries. |
00523118 | -105619 | Images Liftoff Dust Overlay Array | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Pointer to LO? handles for all images.dat entries. |
005240D0 | -104613 | Images Damage Overlay Frame | 1 | 999 | Simple Data | |
0052E5C8 | -94055 | Images Shield Overlay Array | 4 | 999 | | Pointer to GRP handles for all images. |
0052F568 | -93055 | Images Array | 64 | 5000 | Read Only | The array of images currently processed in the game. |
0057EB68 | -11775 | First Image Pointer | 4 | 1 | Read Only | Pointer to the first CImage instance. |
0057EB70 | -11773 | Last Image Pointer | 4 | 1 | Read Only | Pointer to the last CImage instance. |
0057EE7C | -11578 | Player Human IDs | 4 | 8 | Unsupported | The Human ID for each player.llll |
0057EE9C | -11570 | Player Name | 25 | 1 | Unsupported | If you are playing as 'asdf' then you will find o… |
0057EEC0 | -11561 | Player Nation IDs | 4 | 8 | Unsupported | The Nation ID for each player. |
0057EEE0 | -11553 | Active Player Structures | 36 | 12 | Backed By Code | A structure for each player containing their HumanID, Storm… |
0057F094 | -11444 | Last Whisper Player | 25 | 1 | | The name of the player that last whispered you (in-game onl… |
0057F0B0 | -11437 | Vision Filter | 4 | 1 | | A shared vision filter used for changing the player's … |
0057F0B4 | -11436 | Multiplayer Mode | 4 | 1 | Read Only | A boolean value that specifies if the game is Single or Mul… |
0057F0B8 | -11435 | Network Player Status Array | 4 | 8 | Unsupported | An array containing flags for each player's network st… |
0057F0D8 | -11427 | Network Maximum Buffer Size | 4 | 1 | | A value indicating the maximum size for the command buffer … |
0057F0DC | -11426 | Main Menu Dialog Handle | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | A handle to the main menu BIN dialog. |
0057F0F0 | -11421 | Player Minerals | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | The current amount of minerals the player has. |
0057F120 | -11409 | Player Gas | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | The current amount of gas the player has. |
0057F150 | -11397 | Player Total Gas Harvested | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | The total gas the player has ever harvested |
0057F180 | -11385 | Player Total Minerals Harvested | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | The total minerals the player has ever harvested |
0057F1B0 | -11373 | Starting Player Local ID | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0057F1B4 | -11372 | Player Slot Types | 1 | 12 | Simple Data | |
0057F1C0 | -11369 | Player Slot Races | 1 | 12 | Simple Data | |
0057F1CC | -11366 | Team Game Main Player | 1 | 4 | Simple Data | |
0057F1D0 | -11365 | Screen Tile Position | 2 | 2 | Simple Data | |
0057F1D4 | -11364 | MapSize | 2 | 2 | Simple Data | 2byte Width 2byte Height width + 65536*height |
0057F1D8 | -11363 | Messsage Send To Filter | 2 | 2 | Simple Data | |
0057F1DA | -11363 | Message Player Filter | 2 | 2 | Simple Data | Should be within the previous entry |
0057F1DC | -11362 | Tileset | 2 | 1 | Simple Data | The current tileset ID being used. Changing to 1 will tu… |
0057F1DE | -11362 | Current Music | 2 | 2 | Simple Data | |
0057F1E0 | -11361 | BWGame Unk_f0 | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0057F1E1 | -11361 | Active Player Count | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | The number of active players in the game. |
0057F1E2 | -11361 | Console Index | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | A value indicating which console GUI should be displayed. … |
0057F1E3 | -11361 | Is Custom Single Player | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0057F1E4 | -11360 | BWGame unk_f4 | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0057F1E8 | -11359 | BWGame unk_f8 | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0057F1EC | -11358 | Shared Vision | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | The shared vision values for each player. StarCraft does… |
0057F21C | -11346 | Player Color Mapping | 4 | 8 | Simple Data | A mapping of the player's colors. |
0057F23C | -11338 | Elapsed Time | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | The elapsed game time (in game ticks, ~42ms per tick on fas… |
0057F240 | -11337 | Saved Elapsed Seconds | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0057F244 | -11336 | Campaign Index | 2 | 1 | Simple Data | A value indicating which campaign is being played. |
0057F246 | -11336 | Next Scenario name | 32 | 1 | Simple Data | The name of the next scenario, set using the Set Next Scena… |
0057F266 | -11328 | Single Player Race | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0057F267 | -11328 | Single Player Computer Races | 1 | 8 | Simple Data | |
0057F26F | -11326 | BWGame unk_17F | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0057F270 | -11325 | Saved Screen Positions | 4 | 3 | Simple Data | Pos 1: -11325 X + 65536Y Pos 2: -11324 X + 65536Y … |
0057F27C | -11322 | Player Units available | 228 | 12 | Simple Data | 1 row of 228 bytes, 1 per unit, per player offset + (Cp … |
0057FD2C | -10638 | BWGame unk_c3c | 1 | 8 | Simple Data | |
0057FD34 | -10636 | Last Event Position | 4 | 2 | Simple Data | A POINT structure containing the position of the last event… |
0057FD3C | -10634 | Map File Name | 260 | 1 | Simple Data | The current map's file name. |
0057FE40 | -10569 | Map Title | 32 | 1 | Simple Data | The current map's title. |
0057FE60 | -10561 | Hotkeyed Unit | 864 | 8 | Simple Data | Purpose To detect the hotkey and then the slot that a … |
00581960 | -8833 | BWGame unk_2870 | 1 | 1024 | Simple Data | |
00581D60 | -8577 | Default Message Filter | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | Controls who you chat with when pressing Enter. (To Allies:… |
00581D61 | -8577 | Player Lose Type | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | |
00581D62 | -8577 | Player Left | 1 | 8 | Simple Data | |
00581D6A | -8575 | Player Selection Circle Colors | 1 | 12 | Simple Data | Each byte sets the color of the selection circle: 000 - Gr… |
00581D76 | -8572 | Unit Color Table | 8 | 12 | Simple Data | Each byte corresponds to a palette index used for each play… |
00581DD6 | -8548 | Minimap Color Table | 1 | 12 | Simple Data | Each byte references a palette index. This table is immedi… |
00581DE2 | -8545 | BWGame unk_2cf2 | 1 | 2 | Simple Data | |
00581DE4 | -8544 | Score Total Units Produced | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Appears to be flipped; units owned, and not produced. |
00581E14 | -8532 | Score Units Produced | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Appears to be flipped; units owned, and not produced. |
00581E44 | -8520 | Score Units Owned | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Appears to be flipped; to be units produced, and not owned. |
00581E74 | -8508 | Number of Units Lost | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Deaths for "Any Unit" stored here. |
00581EA4 | -8496 | Number of Units Killed | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Kills for "Any Unit" stored here. |
00581ED4 | -8484 | Score Unit Total | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | |
00581F04 | -8472 | Score Kill Total | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | |
00581F34 | -8460 | Score Structures Constructed Total | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | |
00581F64 | -8448 | Number of Buildings Constructed | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | |
00581F94 | -8436 | Number of Buildings Owned | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | |
00581FC4 | -8424 | Number of Buildings Lost | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Deaths for "Buildings" stored here. |
00581FF4 | -8412 | Number of Buildings Razed | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Kills for "Buildings" stored here. |
00582024 | -8400 | Buildings Score | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Score for "Buildings", or buildings produced. |
00582054 | -8388 | Razings Score | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Score for "Razings", or buildings killed. |
00582084 | -8376 | Number of Factories Constructed | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | |
005820B4 | -8364 | Number of Factories Owned | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | |
005820E4 | -8352 | Number of Factories Lost | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Deaths for "Factories" stored here. |
00582114 | -8340 | Number of Factories Razed | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | Kills for "Factories" stored here. |
00582144 | -8328 | Zerg Control Available | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
00582174 | -8316 | Zerg Control Used | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
005821A4 | -8304 | Zerg Control Max | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
005821D4 | -8292 | Terran Supply Available | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
00582204 | -8280 | Terran Supply Used | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
00582234 | -8268 | Terran Supply Max | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
00582264 | -8256 | Protoss Psi Available | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
00582294 | -8244 | Protoss Psi Used | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
005822C4 | -8232 | Protoss Psi Max | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | 4 bytes per player Despite being 4 bytes, the game will … |
005822F4 | -8220 | Score Custom | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | |
00582324 | -8208 | All Unit Counts Table | 48 | 228 | Simple Data | Counts per player, per unit For each unit, 4 bytes per… |
00584DE4 | -5472 | Completed Unit Counts Table | 48 | 228 | Simple Data | Counts per player, per unit For each unit, 4 bytes per p… |
00585474 | -5052 | Larva Count | 12 | 1 | | (Why does this entry exist? Should be within the Completed … |
005878A4 | -2736 | Killed Unit Counts Table | 48 | 228 | Simple Data | Counts per player, per unit. For each unit, 4 bytes per … |
0058A364 | 0 | Death Table Start | 48 | 228 | Simple Data | Counts per player, per unit First entry in the death tab… |
0058CE24 | 2736 | SC Technologies Available (0-23) | 24 | 12 | Simple Data | Table layout is reverse compared to deaths/kills table. … |
0058CF44 | 2808 | SC Technologies Researched (0-23) | 24 | 12 | Simple Data | [See SC Technologies Available] http://farty1billion.dyndn… |
0058D064 | 2880 | SC Tech Research In Progress | 1 | 36 | Simple Data | Who knows |
0058D088 | 2889 | SC Upgrades Available (0-45) | 46 | 12 | Simple Data | Table layout is reverse compared to deaths/kills table. … |
0058D2B0 | 3027 | SC Upgrades Researched (0-45) | 46 | 12 | Simple Data | Table layout is reverse compared to deaths/kills table. … |
0058D4D8 | 3165 | SC Upgrade in Progress Lvl 1 (Unused?) | 1 | 72 | Simple Data | Who knows |
0058D520 | 3183 | SC Upgrade in Progress Lvl 2 (Unused?) | 1 | 72 | Simple Data | Who knows |
0058D5B0 | 3219 | Player's Force | 1 | 8 | Simple Data | 8 bytes: 1 byte for each active player, specifying which o… |
0058D5B8 | 3221 | Force Flags | 1 | 4 | Simple Data | 4 bytes: 1 byte for each force specifying the flags; forc… |
0058D5BC | 3222 | Force Names | 30 | 4 | Simple Data | 4 byte integers: 1 integer for each force, string number o… |
0058D634 | 3252 | Player Alliances | 12 | 12 | Simple Data | EPD 3252 + 0x00: P1 ally status to P1 + 0x01: P1 ally sta… |
0058D6C4 | 3288 | Mission Objectives Index | 4 | 12 | Simple Data | EPD 3288 (+0x00): This is the Mission Objective String I… |
0058D6F4 | 3300 | Countdown Timer | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Changing the value of this address with EUP or EUD is worth… |
0058D6F8 | 3301 | Elapsed Time | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Game Seconds (1 Game Second = 16 Game Ticks = ~1072ms on no… |
0058D6FC | 3302 | SC Switch Table (Unused?) | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | 32 switches, probably pre-1.04 when number of switches was … |
0058D700 | 3303 | Player Victory Status | 1 | 8 | Simple Data | |
0058D708 | 3305 | Leaderboard Has Computer Players | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0058D70C | 3306 | Leader Board Type | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0058D70D | 3306 | Leader Board Condition | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0058D70E | 3306 | Leader Board Subtype | 2 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0058D710 | 3307 | Leader Board Goal | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0058D714 | 3308 | Leader Board String Index | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0058D718 | 3309 | #'s of Game Pauses | 1 | 8 | Simple Data | The base value of this address is: (P1 + P2 + P3 + P4) * 3 … |
0058D720 | 3311 | Start Locations | 4 | 8 | Simple Data | Point: u16 X u16 Y EPD 3311 +0x00: P1 Start Location … |
0058D740 | 3319 | Vanilla Location Table | 20 | 64 | Simple Data | This Location Table is not used in the Expansion (Brood War… |
0058DC40 | 3639 | Switch Table | 32 | 1 | Simple Data | +0x00 (EPD 3639) Switch 1: *1 Switch 2: *2 Switch 3: … |
0058DC60 | 3647 | Location Table | 20 | 255 | Simple Data | +0x00 (EPD 3647) This is the LEFT position of the locat… |
0058F04C | 4922 | Time Pause State | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | If FALSE, the value of the address is 0, and the countdown … |
0058F050 | 4923 | BW Technologies Available (24-43) | 20 | 12 | Simple Data | Table layout is reverse compared to deaths/kills table. … |
0058F140 | 4983 | BW Technologies Researched (24-43) | 20 | 12 | Simple Data | Table layout is reverse compared to deaths/kills table. … |
0058F230 | 5043 | BW Tech Research In Progress | 1 | 72 | | [SCR: Simple data] Who knows |
0058F278 | 5061 | BW Upgrades Available (46-60) | 15 | 12 | Simple Data | Table layout is reverse compared to deaths/kills table. … |
0058F32C | 5106 | BW Upgrades Researched (46-60) | 15 | 12 | Simple Data | Table layout is reverse compared to deaths/kills table. … |
0058F3E0 | 5151 | BW Upgrade In Progress | 1 | 96 | Simple Data | Who knows |
0058F440 | 5175 | Is Expansion | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | 1 if your game is using the Expansion set. |
0058F441 | 5175 | BWGame unk_10351 | 1 | 1 | Simple Data | |
0058F442 | 5175 | Unknown Player Color Something | 1 | 8 | Simple Data | |
0058F44A | 5177 | BWGame "Literally Unused" | 1 | 29604 | Simple Data | |
005968A0 | 12623 | Input Procedures | 4 | 19 | | A list of functions that determine how user input is handle… |
005968AC | 12626 | Mouse Left Click | 4 | 1 | | Detects the left click of a mouse. Use only actions that… |
00596904 | 12648 | Game Mode | 2 | 1 | Unsupported | Determines the game's mode. In-Game, in-menu, battle.n… |
00596A18 | 12717 | Virtual Key Array | 1 | 256 | Backed By Code | An array containing the state of all the virtual key codes … |
005993C4 | 15384 | Pointer to "MTXM" map tile data | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | |
005993D4 | 15388 | Pointer to map "STR " section | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | Pointer default: first string |
0059BA5C | 17854 | Game Subtype ID | 4 | 1 | | Subtype ID specified in GOT template. Top Vs. Bottom: Nu… |
0059C080 | 18247 | Mapdata.dat - Mission dir | 4 | 65 | | Mapdata.tbl string index |
0059CC78 | 19013 | Last Time for Drop Window | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Last GetTickCount Win32 API Time for Drop Window shown. … |
0059CC80 | 19015 | Drop Timer | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | The time remaining before a player is dropped. See the a… |
0059CCA8 | 19025 | Unitnode Table | 336 | 1700 | Backed By Code | [SCR: See individual entries] See Unitnode Structure in … |
0059CCA8 | 19025 | CUnit - Previous Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CCAC | 19026 | CUnit - Next Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CCB0 | 19027 | CUnit - HP | 4 | 1 | Supported | Amount of HP that a unit currently has. Value displayed … |
0059CCB4 | 19028 | CUnit - Sprite | 4 | 1 | Supported | Pointer to CSprite. Contains the graphics of the unit. |
0059CCB8 | 19029 | CUnit - Target Pos | 2 | 2 | Supported | X + 65536*Y |
0059CCBC | 19030 | CUnit - Target Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit target pointer |
0059CCC0 | 19031 | CUnit - Next Movement Waypoint | 2 | 2 | Unsupported | 0x0000FFFF x-coord 0xFFFF0000 y-coord The next way poin… |
0059CCC4 | 19032 | CUnit - Next Target Waypoint | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | 0x0000FFFF x-coord 0xFFFF0000 y-coord The desired posit… |
0059CCC8 | 19033 | CUnit - Movement Flags | 1 | 1 | Supported | Flags that enable/disable certain movement. Need more testi… |
0059CCC9 | 19033 | CUnit - Current Direction 1 | 1 | 1 | Supported | 256 directions starting from the top going clockwise. 0x00… |
0059CCCA | 19033 | CUnit - Flingy Turn Radius | 1 | 1 | Supported | "The unit flips out when this is frozen on a specific … |
0059CCCB | 19033 | CUnit - Velocity Direction 1 | 1 | 1 | Supported | This usually only differs from the currentDirection field f… |
0059CCCC | 19034 | CUnit - Flingy ID | 2 | 1 | Supported | The Flingy ID of the unit. |
0059CCCF | 19034 | CUnit - Flingy Movement Type | 1 | 1 | Supported | The type of movement that the unit use (*16777216). |
0059CCD0 | 19035 | CUnit - Position Coordinates | 2 | 2 | Supported | The coordinates of a unit on the map (X + 65536*Y). |
0059CCD4 | 19036 | CUnit - Halt X Coordinate | 4 | 1 | Supported | The X coordinate of a unit on the map (*256). |
0059CCD8 | 19037 | CUnit - Halt Y Coordinate | 4 | 1 | Supported | The Y coordinate of a unit on the map (*256). |
0059CCDC | 19038 | CUnit - Flingy Top Speed | 4 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CCE0 | 19039 | CUnit - Move Acceleration | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit.current_speed1 Related to turning and from observa… |
0059CCE4 | 19040 | CUnit - Move Speed | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit.current_speed2 The speed that the unit is currentl… |
0059CCE8 | 19041 | CUnit - Move Speed On X-Axis | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit.current_speed.x The speed that the unit is current… |
0059CCEC | 19042 | CUnit - Move Speed On Y-Axis | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit.current_speed.y The speed that the unit is current… |
0059CCF0 | 19043 | CUnit - Flingy Acceleration | 2 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CCF2 | 19043 | CUnit - Current Direction 2 | 1 | 1 | Supported | The direction a unit is currently facing (*65536) THIS SHI… |
0059CCF3 | 19043 | CUnit - Velocity Direction 2 | 1 | 1 | Supported | The direction a unit is currently facing (*16777216). U… |
0059CCF4 | 19044 | CUnit - Player ID | 1 | 1 | Supported | The owner of the cunit. Mask: 0x000000FF *1 P1: 00 P… |
0059CCF5 | 19044 | CUnit - Main Order ID | 1 | 1 | Supported | Specification of type of order given. See http://www.stared… |
0059CCF6 | 19044 | CUnit - Main Order State | 1 | 1 | Supported | Additional order (*65536) information. More extensive testi… |
0059CCF7 | 19044 | CUnit - Order Signal | 1 | 1 | Supported | Additional order (*16777216) information. Set by iscript. … |
0059CCF8 | 19045 | CUnit - Order Unit Type | 2 | 1 | Supported | 228 = none? |
0059CCF9 | 19045 | CUNIT - Idle Order Timer | 4 | 1 | | (*256) While the unit is specifically following the order t… |
0059CCFC | 19046 | CUnit - Main Order Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | A timer for orders. An example would be the time left befor… |
0059CCFD | 19046 | CUnit - Cooldown | 1 | 3 | Supported | The firing rate (or cooldown) for ground weapons (*256). 0… |
0059CD00 | 19047 | CUnit - Order Coordinates | 2 | 2 | Supported | The coordinates of an order given to a unit (X + 65536*Y) … |
0059CD04 | 19048 | CUnit - Order Target Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | The unit targeted by another unit (Index Pointer). |
0059CD08 | 19049 | CUnit - Shield Points | 4 | 1 | Supported | The amount of shield points that a unit have (*256). |
0059CD0C | 19050 | CUnit - Unit Type | 2 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD10 | 19051 | CUnit - Previous Player Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | Pointer to previous CUnit owned by the same player |
0059CD14 | 19052 | CUnit - Next Player Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | Pointer to the next CUnit owned by the same player. |
0059CD18 | 19053 | CUnit - Sub Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | Pointer to this unit's subunit CUnit. |
0059CD1C | 19054 | CUnit - Order Queue Head | 4 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Pointer to COrder |
0059CD20 | 19055 | CUnit - Order Queue Tail | 4 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Pointer to COrder. |
0059CD24 | 19056 | CUnit - Auto-Target Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | Pointer to CUnit. The auto-acquired target (Note: This f… |
0059CD28 | 19057 | CUnit - Connected Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | Pointer to CUnit. Addon is connected to building (addon … |
0059CD2C | 19058 | CUnit - Order Queue Count | 1 | 1 | Supported | The number of queued orders a unit currently has. |
0059CD2D | 19058 | CUnit - Order Queue Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | BWAPI doc: counts/cycles down from from 8 to 0 (inclusive)… |
0059CD2E | 19058 | CUnit - Unknown 0x086 | 1 | 1 | Supported | Pathing related? |
0059CD2F | 19058 | CUnit - Attack Notify Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD30 | 19059 | CUnit - Previous Unit Type | 2 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Stores the type of the unit prior to bein… |
0059CD32 | 19059 | CUnit - Last Event Timer | 1 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) countdown that stops being recent when it… |
0059CD33 | 19059 | CUnit - Last Event Color | 1 | 1 | | (Unsupported? 17 = was completed (train, morph), 174 = w… |
0059CD34 | 19060 | CUnit - Unused 0x08C | 2 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD36 | 19060 | CUnit - Rank Increase | 1 | 1 | Supported | Adds to unit's base rank. (*65536) |
0059CD37 | 19060 | CUnit - Kill Count | 1 | 1 | Supported | The kill count of a unit (*16777216). |
0059CD38 | 19061 | CUnit - Last Attacking Player | 1 | 1 | Supported | The player that last attacked this unit |
0059CD39 | 19061 | CUnit - Secondary Order Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD3A | 19061 | CUnit - AI Action Flag | 1 | 1 | Supported | Internal use by AI only (bwapi) |
0059CD3B | 19061 | CUnit - User Action Flags | 1 | 1 | Supported | Some flags that change when the user interacts with the uni… |
0059CD3C | 19062 | CUnit - Button Set | 2 | 1 | Supported | The current button set of a unit. |
0059CD3C | 19062 | Order Destination Invalid (???) | 4 | 1 | | "When this address is frozen and you order a unit to t… |
0059CD3E | 19062 | CUnit - Is Cloaked | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD3F | 19062 | CUnit - Movement State | 1 | 1 | Supported | https://github.com/bwapi/bwapi/blob/master/bwapi/BWAPI/Sour… |
0059CD40 | 19063 | CUnit - Build Queue | 2 | 5 | Supported | Queue of units to build. Note that it doesn't begin wi… |
0059CD4A | 19065 | CUnit - Energy | 2 | 1 | Supported | Amount of energy a unit has. (value*256) * 65536 |
0059CD4C | 19066 | CUnit - Build Queue Slot | 1 | 1 | Supported | Index of active unit in #buildQueue. (bwapi) |
0059CD4D | 19066 | CUnit - Uniqueness Identifier | 1 | 1 | Supported | A byte used to determine uniqueness of the unit |
0059CD4E | 19066 | CUnit - Secondary Order ID | 1 | 1 | Supported | The order ID for passive orders such as Cloak, Build, Expan… |
0059CD4F | 19066 | CUnit - Building Overlay State | 1 | 1 | Supported | 0 means the building has the largest amount of fire/blood (… |
0059CD50 | 19067 | CUnit - HP Gain | 2 | 1 | Supported | hp gained on construction or repair (bwapi) |
0059CD52 | 19067 | Cunit - Shield Gain | 2 | 1 | Supported | Shield gain on construction (bwapi) |
0059CD54 | 19068 | CUnit - Remaining Build Time | 2 | 1 | Supported | The remaining time before a building is constructed. |
0059CD56 | 19068 | CUnit - Previous HP | 2 | 1 | Supported | The HP of the unit before it changed (example Drone->Hat… |
0059CD58 | 19069 | CUnit - Loaded Unit Index | 2 | 8 | Unsupported | (Unsupported?) Unit ID's (not pointers) of loaded u… |
0059CD68 | 19073 | CUnit - Vulture - Spider Mines | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of spider mines that a vulture has left. Also… |
0059CD68 | 19073 | CUnit - Carrier/Reaver - In Hangar | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to first unit inside the hangar. Also: Vu… |
0059CD68 | 19073 | CUnit - Scarab/Interceptor - Parent Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to parent unit Also: Vulture - Spider min… |
0059CD68 | 19073 | CUnit - Beacon - Unknown +00 | 4 | 1 | Supported | Unknown ? Also: Vulture - Spider mine count Carrier/Re… |
0059CD68 | 19073 | CUnit - Building - Addon | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to addon. -- is this different from Connected… |
0059CD68 | 19073 | CUnit - Worker - Powerup Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to the powerup carried by a worker Also: … |
0059CD6C | 19074 | CUnit - Carrier/Reaver - Out Hanger | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to first child outside the hangar Also: S… |
0059CD6C | 19074 | CUnit - Scarab/Interceptor - Previous | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to previous scarab/interceptor Also: Carr… |
0059CD6C | 19074 | CUnit - Beacon - Unknown +04 | 4 | 1 | Supported | Unknown Also: Carrier/Reaver: pointer to first child ou… |
0059CD6C | 19074 | CUnit - Building - Addon Building Type | 2 | 1 | Supported | Also: Carrier/Reaver: pointer to first child outside the h… |
0059CD6C | 19074 | CUnit - Worker - Target Resource Coord | 2 | 2 | Supported | 0x0000FFFF x-coordinate 0xFFFF0000 y-coordinate Also: … |
0059CD6E | 19074 | CUnit - Building - Upgrade/Research Time | 2 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD70 | 19075 | CUnit - Carrier/Reaver - In Hangar Count | 1 | 1 | Supported | Amount of units in hangar. Also: Scarab/Interceptor - p… |
0059CD70 | 19075 | CUnit - Scarab/Interceptor - Next | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to next scarab/interceptor Also: Carrier/… |
0059CD70 | 19075 | CUnit - Beacon - Flag Spawn Frame | 4 | 1 | Supported | flag beacons, the frame that the flag will spawn (bwapi) … |
0059CD70 | 19075 | CUnit - Building - Tech Type | 1 | 1 | Supported | Also: Carrier/Reaver - number of units in hangar Scarab… |
0059CD70 | 19075 | CUnit - Worker - Target Resource Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer Also: Carrier/Reaver - number of units in… |
0059CD71 | 19075 | CUnit - Carrier/Reaver - Out Hangar Count | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of interceptors that a carrier has (*256). Al… |
0059CD71 | 19075 | CUnit - Building - Upgrade Type | 1 | 1 | Supported | Also: Carrier/Reaver - Out hangar count |
0059CD72 | 19075 | CUnit - Building - Larva Spawn Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | The remaining time left before a larva is created on buildi… |
0059CD73 | 19075 | CUnit - Building - Landing Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | Detects if a Terran building is landing (*16777216). |
0059CD74 | 19076 | CUnit - Scarab/Interceptor - In Hanger | 1 | 1 | Supported | Boolean value? Also: Building - Creep timer Worker - R… |
0059CD74 | 19076 | CUnit - Building - Creep Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | Also: Scarab/Interceptor - In hangar Worker - Repair/re… |
0059CD74 | 19076 | CUnit - Worker - Repair/Resource Timer | 2 | 1 | Supported | Also: Scarab/Interceptor - In hangar Building - Creep t… |
0059CD75 | 19076 | CUnit - Building - Upgrade Level | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD76 | 19076 | CUnit - Worker - Is Carring Something | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD77 | 19076 | CUnit - Worker - Resource Carry Count | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD78 | 19077 | CUnit - Resource - Resource Count | 2 | 1 | Supported | Amount of Resource if its Mineral Field or Vespene Gayser … |
0059CD78 | 19077 | CUnit - Worker - Harvest Target Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to harvested mineral/geyser Also: Resourc… |
0059CD78 | 19077 | CUnit - Nydus - Exit Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to connected exit Also: Resource - Resour… |
0059CD78 | 19077 | CUnit - Ghost - Nuke Dot Sprite | 4 | 1 | Supported | Pointer to nuke dot CSprite Also: Resource - Resource c… |
0059CD78 | 19077 | CUnit - Pylon - Power Overlay Sprite | 4 | 1 | Supported | Pointer to overlay CSprite Also: Resource - Resource co… |
0059CD78 | 19077 | CUnit - Nuke Silo - Attached Nuke | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to attached nuke Also: Resource - Resourc… |
0059CD78 | 19077 | CUnit - Powerup - Origin Coordinates | 2 | 2 | Supported | Coordinates where the powerup was picked up from. 0x0000FF… |
0059CD78 | 19077 | CUnit - Hatchery? - Harvest Value | 2 | 4 | Supported | https://github.com/bwapi/bwapi/blob/master/bwapi/BWAPI/Sour… |
0059CD7A | 19077 | CUnit - Resource - Resource IScript | 1 | 1 | Supported | Current iscript animation ? |
0059CD7B | 19077 | CUnit - Resource - Gatherer Queue Count | 1 | 1 | Supported | as named in bwapi, or "Boolean on whether is extracted… |
0059CD7C | 19078 | CUnit - Worker - Previous Harvest Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer "When there is a gather conflict"… |
0059CD7C | 19078 | CUnit - Resource - Next Gatherer | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to the next worker unit waiting in line to ga… |
0059CD7C | 19078 | CUnit - Silo - Ready | 1 | 1 | Supported | Also: Resource - Next gatherer Worker - Previous harves… |
0059CD80 | 19079 | CUnit - Resource - Resource Group | 1 | 1 | Supported | Also: Worker - Next harvest unit |
0059CD80 | 19079 | CUnit - Worker - Next Harvest Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | Also: Resource - Resource group/resource belongs to AI |
0059CD81 | 19079 | CUnit - Resource - Reource Belongs to AI | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CD84 | 19080 | CUnit - Status Flags | 4 | 1 | Supported | https://github.com/bwapi/bwapi/blob/master/bwapi/BWAPI/Sour… |
0059CD88 | 19081 | CUnit - Resource Type | 1 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Resource being held by worker: 1 = gas … |
0059CD89 | 19081 | CUnit - Wireframe Randomizer | 1 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) |
0059CD8A | 19081 | CUnit - Secondary Order State | 1 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) |
0059CD8B | 19081 | CUnit - Recent Order Time | 1 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Counts down from 15 to 0 when most orders… |
0059CD8C | 19082 | CUnit - Visiblity Status | 4 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Flags specifying which players can detect… |
0059CD90 | 19083 | CUnit - Secondary Order Position | 2 | 2 | | (Unsupported?) Unused according to bwapi. 0x0000FFFF… |
0059CD94 | 19084 | CUnit - Unit beingBuilt | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | The current unit that's being produced from a building… |
0059CD98 | 19085 | CUnit - Previous Burrowed Unit | 4 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) CUnit pointer to previous burrowed unit |
0059CD9C | 19086 | CUnit - Next Burrowed Unit | 4 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Pointer to CUnit of next burrowed unit |
0059CDA0 | 19087 | CUnit - Rally - Rally Coordinates | 2 | 2 | Supported | The coordinates of a rally from a building (X + 65536*Y) … |
0059CDA0 | 19087 | CUnit - Pylon - Previous Psi Provider | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to previous psi provider For other buildin… |
0059CDA4 | 19088 | CUnit - Rally - Rally Unit | 4 | 1 | Supported | The unit that a building set their rally to (CUnit pointer)… |
0059CDA4 | 19088 | CUnit - Pylon - Next Psi Provider | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to next psi provider For other buildings:… |
0059CDA8 | 19089 | CUnit - Pathing Pointer | 4 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Pointer to pathing data. |
0059CDAC | 19090 | CUnit - Pathing Collision Interval | 1 | 1 | Supported | Unknown? |
0059CDAD | 19090 | CUnit - Pathing Flags | 1 | 1 | Supported | 0x01 = uses pathing 0x02 = ? 0x04 = ? (bwapi) |
0059CDAF | 19090 | CUnit - Is Healing | 1 | 1 | Supported | Detects if a unit is currently being healed (*16777216). |
0059CDB0 | 19091 | CUnit - Contour Bounds | 2 | 4 | | (Unsupported?) a rect that specifies the closest contour… |
0059CDB8 | 19093 | CUnit - Remove Timer | 2 | 1 | Supported | When this timer equals 0, the following are destroyed: h… |
0059CDBA | 19093 | CUnit - Matrix Damage Absorption | 2 | 1 | Supported | The amount of damage the matrix has absorbed (*16777216). |
0059CDBC | 19094 | CUnit - Matrix Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of time remaining for matrix by a science vessel. |
0059CDBD | 19094 | CUnit - Stim Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of time remaining (*256) for the stim effect app… |
0059CDBE | 19094 | CUnit - Ensnare Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of time remaining (*65536) to ensure by a queen,… |
0059CDBF | 19094 | CUnit - Lockdown Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of time remaining (*16777216) for lockdown by a … |
0059CDC0 | 19095 | CUnit - Irradiate Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of time remaining for irradiate by a science ves… |
0059CDC1 | 19095 | CUnit - Stasis Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of time remaining (*256) for stasis by a arbiter. |
0059CDC2 | 19095 | CUnit - Plague Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | Detects if a unit has been plagued by defiler (*65536) |
0059CDC3 | 19095 | CUnit - Storm Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | If a unit is under storm (*16777216) |
0059CDC4 | 19096 | CUnit - Irradiated By | 4 | 1 | Supported | CUnit pointer to casting unit which irradiated this unit. |
0059CDC8 | 19097 | CUnit - Irradiate Player ID | 1 | 1 | Supported | Player ID who irradiated the unit. |
0059CDC9 | 19097 | CUnit - Parasite Flags | 1 | 1 | Supported | Detects if a unit have been infected with a parasite (*256)… |
0059CDCA | 19097 | CUnit - Cycle Counter | 1 | 1 | Supported | Counts/cycles up from 0 to 7 inclusive (*65536) |
0059CDCB | 19097 | CUnit - Blind State | 1 | 1 | Supported | Detects if a unit has been blinded (*16777216) by a medic. |
0059CDCC | 19098 | CUnit - Maelstorm Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | The remaining time that a unit has before Maelstorm wears o… |
0059CDCD | 19098 | CUnit - Unused Timer | 1 | 1 | Supported | Potentially from Valkyrie Afterburner or Ultralisk Roar. |
0059CDCE | 19098 | CUnit - Acid Spore Count | 1 | 1 | Supported | The amount of Acid Spores applied to a unit (*65536). Th… |
0059CDCF | 19098 | CUnit - Acid Spore 1/9 | 1 | 1 | See Description | [SCR: Other acid spore timers are NOT supported and give EU… |
0059CDD0 | 19099 | CUnit - Acid Spore 2/9 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Timer for 2nd of 9 acid spores applied to a unit Refer t… |
0059CDD1 | 19099 | CUnit - Acid Spore 3/9 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Timer for 3rd of 9 acid spores applied to a unit (*256) … |
0059CDD2 | 19099 | CUnit - Acid Spore 4/9 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Timer for 4th of 9 acid spores applied to a unit (*65536) … |
0059CDD3 | 19099 | CUnit - Acid Spore 5/9 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Timer for 5th of 9 acid spores applied to a unit (*16777216… |
0059CDD4 | 19100 | CUnit - Acid Spore 6/9 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Timer for 6th of 9 acid spores applied to a unit Refer t… |
0059CDD5 | 19100 | CUnit - Acid Spore 7/9 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Timer for 7th of 9 acid spores applied to a unit (*256) … |
0059CDD6 | 19100 | CUnit - Acid Spore 8/9 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Timer for 8th of 9 acid spores applied to a unit (*65536) … |
0059CDD7 | 19100 | CUnit - Acid Spore 9/9 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Timer for 9th of 9 acid spores applied to a unit (*16777216… |
0059CDD8 | 19101 | CUnit - Bullet Behavior 3x3 Attack | 2 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Counts up for the number of bullets shot … |
0059CDDC | 19102 | CUnit - AI Data | 4 | 1 | | (Unsupported?) Pointer to AI class |
0059CDE0 | 19103 | Emp Shockwave Missiles (???) | 4 | 1 | | The total amount of missiles from *all science vessel that … |
0059CDE0 | 19103 | CUnit - Air Strength | 2 | 1 | Unsupported | |
0059CDE2 | 19103 | CUnit - Ground Strength | 2 | 1 | Unsupported | |
0059CDE4 | 19104 | CUnit - Unit Finder | 4 | 4 | | (Unsupported?) PID+0 left PID+1 right PID+2 top PID+3… |
0059CDF4 | 19108 | CUnit - Repulse Unknown | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
0059CDF5 | 19108 | CUnit - Repulse Angle | 1 | 1 | Supported | Updated when the air unit is being pushed (*256). Need more… |
0059CDF6 | 19108 | CUnit - Drift X | 1 | 1 | Supported | For air units when they're pushed (*65536) on X-axis. … |
0059CDF7 | 19108 | CUnit - Drift Y | 1 | 1 | Supported | For air units when they're pushed (*16777216) on Y-axi… |
0059D568 | 19585 | SC Upgrade in Progress Lvl 3 (???) | 1 | 72 | | Who knows |
006283F8 | 161829 | Last Unit Pointer | 4 | 1 | | The value is pointer to the last unit in the unitNodeTable.… |
00628430 | 161843 | First Unit Pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | The value is pointer to the first unit in the unitNodeTable. |
00628438 | 161845 | First Empty Unit | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | The address of the unit structure to be created -added by … |
00628448 | 161849 | Screen Coordinate X | 4 | 1 | Read Only | The position of the screen on the X Axis. Note that it'… |
00628470 | 161859 | Screen Coordinate Y | 4 | 1 | Read Only | The position of the screen on the Y Axis. Note that it'… |
0062848C | 161866 | glScrollPixelX | 4 | 1 | Read Only | Duplicate of screen coordinates? |
00628494 | 161868 | gfpCellMap | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | Pointer to VX4 megatile buffer? |
006284A8 | 161873 | glScrollPixelY | 4 | 1 | Read Only | Duplicate of screen coordinates? |
006284B8 | 161877 | Current Player Selection | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | Selection group of the current player Seems to be duplic… |
006284E8 | 161889 | Player 1 Selection Group | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | List of unit node pointers for Player's current group … |
00628518 | 161901 | Player 2 Selection Group | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | List of unit node pointers for Player's current group … |
00628548 | 161913 | Player 3 Selection Group | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | List of unit node pointers for Player's current group … |
00628578 | 161925 | Player 4 Selection Group | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | List of unit node pointers for Player's current group … |
006285A8 | 161937 | Player 5 Selection Group | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | List of unit node pointers for Player's current group … |
006285D8 | 161949 | Player 6 Selection Group | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | List of unit node pointers for Player's current group … |
00628608 | 161961 | Player 7 Selection Group | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | List of unit node pointers for Player's current group … |
00628638 | 161973 | Player 8 Selection Group | 4 | 12 | Backed By Code | List of unit node pointers for Player's current group … |
00629D98 | 163469 | Sprite Table | 36 | 2500 | Read Only | [SCR: See individual entries] Difference between each en… |
00629D98 | 163469 | CSprite - Previous Entry | 4 | 1 | Supported | |
00629D9C | 163470 | CSprite - Next Entry | 4 | 1 | Supported | |
00629DA0 | 163471 | CSprite - Sprite ID | 2 | 1 | Supported | |
00629DA2 | 163471 | CSprite - Player ID | 1 | 1 | Supported | |
00629DA3 | 163471 | CSprite - Selection Index | 1 | 1 | Supported | Index in the selection area at the bottom of the screen. |
00629DA4 | 163472 | CSprite - Visibility Flags | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | Player bits indicating the visiblity for a player. P1: 1… |
00629DA5 | 163472 | CSprite - Elevation Level | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | |
00629DA6 | 163472 | CSprite - Draw Flags | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | 0x01 - Draw selection circle 0x02 - Ally selection? 0x04 … |
00629DA7 | 163472 | CSprite - Selection Timer | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | |
00629DA8 | 163473 | CSprite - Index | 2 | 1 | Unsupported | |
00629DAA | 163473 | CSprite - Unknown Flags 12 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | |
00629DAB | 163473 | CSprite - Unknown flags 13 | 1 | 1 | Unsupported | |
00629DAC | 163474 | CSprite - Position | 2 | 2 | Unsupported | 65536*Y + X |
00629DB0 | 163475 | CSprite - Primary Image | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Pointer to main CImage instance. |
00629DB4 | 163476 | CSprite - Image Head | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Pointer to first CImage instance associated with this sprit… |
00629DB8 | 163477 | CSprite - Image Tail | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Pointer to last CImage instance associated with this sprite. |
0063FF48 | 186105 | Pylon Auras are Visible | 4 | 1 | | Read-Only (Writing to it apparently does nothing :C .) |
00640B24 | 186864 | gameTextCounters | 4 | 12 | Unsupported | Contains the tick count for when the message should disappe… |
00640B58 | 186877 | Next Display Text Line | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | First line to be drawn on screen or written to. Changing… |
00640B60 | 186879 | Display Text | 218 | 13 | Backed By Code | Line IDs: 0-10: display text lines (first line defined by … |
00650980 | 203143 | Trigger Wait Timers | 4 | 8 | | Wait action timers for each player |
006509A0 | 203151 | Trigger Execution Timer (Hyper triggers) | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | When this value reaches 0, trigger loop executes. Preser… |
006509B0 | 203155 | Trigger Current Player aka CP Trick | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Used to dynamically run EUDs or dereference pointers. Se… |
00654880 | 207175 | Network Buffer | 496 | 1 | Backed By Code | Game Command Queue. See https://github.com/phu54321/vgce/bl… |
00654AA0 | 207311 | Network Buffer Used | 4 | 1 | Supported | Command queue (0x00654880) space used. Edited by PereC, 20… |
006556E0 | 208095 | Accept Commands | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | If 1, commands are accepted. If 0, all commands are ignore… |
00655700 | 208103 | Upgrades.dat - Max Level | 1 | 61 | Simple Data | |
00655740 | 208119 | Upgrades.dat - Mineral Cost Base | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | Address 0x00655740 - Upgrade ID 000 - bit-mask 0x0000FFFF … |
006557C0 | 208151 | Upgrades.dat - Gas Cost Factor | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | |
00655840 | 208183 | Upgrades.dat - Gas Cost Base | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | |
006558C0 | 208215 | Upgrades.dat - Dat Requirement Offset | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | |
00655940 | 208247 | Upgrades.dat - Time Factor | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | |
006559C0 | 208279 | Upgrades.dat - Mineral Cost Factor | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | |
00655A40 | 208311 | Upgrades.dat - Label | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | stat_txt.tbl index |
00655AC0 | 208343 | Upgrades.dat - Icon | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | cmdicons.grp frame |
00655B3C | 208374 | Upgrades.dat - Brood War Flag | 1 | 61 | Simple Data | |
00655B80 | 208391 | Upgrades.dat - Time Base | 2 | 61 | Simple Data | |
00655BFC | 208422 | Upgrades.dat - Race | 1 | 61 | Simple Data | 0 = Zerg 1 = Terran 2 = Protoss 3 = All |
00655C58 | 208445 | Portdata.dat - Idle SMK | 4 | 110 | Backed By Code | 1-based reference to portdata.tbl |
00655E10 | 208555 | Portdata.dat - Idle SMK Change | 1 | 110 | | |
00655E80 | 208583 | Portdata.dat - Talking SMK | 4 | 110 | Backed By Code | 1-based reference to portdata.tbl |
00656038 | 208693 | Portdata.dat - Idle Unknown | 1 | 110 | | |
006560A8 | 208721 | Portdata.dat - Talking SMK change | 1 | 110 | | |
00656118 | 208749 | Portdata.dat - Talking unknown | 1 | 110 | | |
00656198 | 208781 | Techdata.dat - Unknown1 | 2 | 44 | Simple Data | |
006561F0 | 208803 | Techdata.dat - Gas Cost | 2 | 44 | Simple Data | Address 0x006561F0 - Tech ID 000 - bit-mask 0x0000FFFF - *1… |
00656248 | 208825 | Techdata.dat - Mineral Cost | 2 | 44 | Simple Data | Address 0x00656248 - Tech ID 000 - bit-mask 0x0000FFFF - *1… |
006562A0 | 208847 | Techdata.dat - Label | 2 | 44 | Simple Data | stat_txt.tbl index |
006562F8 | 208869 | Techdata.dat - Data Restrictions | 2 | 44 | Simple Data | |
00656350 | 208891 | Techdata.dat - Researched | 1 | 44 | Simple Data | DatEdit says Unused? |
00656380 | 208903 | Techdata.dat - Energy Cost | 2 | 44 | Simple Data | |
006563D8 | 208925 | Techdata.dat - Time | 2 | 44 | Simple Data | |
00656430 | 208947 | Techdata.dat - Icon | 2 | 44 | Simple Data | cmdicons.grp frame index |
00656488 | 208969 | Techdata.dat - Race | 1 | 44 | Simple Data | 0 = Zerg 1 = Terran 2 = Protoss 3 = All |
006564B4 | 208980 | Techdata.dat - Brood War Flag | 1 | 44 | Simple Data | |
006564E0 | 208991 | Weapons.dat - Damage Factor | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00656568 | 209025 | Weapons.dat - Target Error Message | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | stat_txt.tbl index |
00656670 | 209091 | Weapons.dat - Behavior | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | 0 = Fly & Don't Follow Target 1 = Fly & Foll… |
006566F8 | 209125 | Weapons.dat - Effect | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | 0 = None 1 = Normal Hit 2 = Splash (Radial) 3 = Splash … |
00656780 | 209159 | Weapons.dat - Icon | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | cmdicons.grp frame |
0065678C | 209162 | Damage type/factor multipliers vs unit size | 20 | 5 | | (What's this?) |
00656888 | 209225 | Weapons.dat - Splash Inner Radius | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00656990 | 209291 | Weapons.dat - Attack Angle | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | "Angle within which the weapon can be fired without wa… |
00656A18 | 209325 | Weapons.dat - Minimum Range | 4 | 130 | Simple Data | 16 times the value in DatEdit. |
00656C20 | 209455 | Weapons.dat - Graphics Y Offset | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00656CA8 | 209489 | Weapons.dat - Graphics | 4 | 130 | Simple Data | Flingy.dat index Weapon Graphic |
00656EB0 | 209619 | Weapons.dat - Damage Amount | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00656FB8 | 209685 | Weapons.dat - Cooldown | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00657040 | 209719 | Weapons.dat - Remove After | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | "Time until the weapon is removed if it does not hit a… |
006570C8 | 209753 | Weapons.dat - Splash Middle Radius | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | |
006571D0 | 209819 | Weapons.dat - Upgrade ID | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | Upgrades.dat index |
00657258 | 209853 | Weapons.dat - Damage Type | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | 0 = Independent 1 = Explosive 2 = Concussive 3 = Normal … |
006572E0 | 209887 | Weapons.dat - Label | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | stat_txt.tbl index |
006573E8 | 209953 | Weapons.dat - Special Attack | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | Reference only? |
00657470 | 209987 | Weapons.dat - Maximum Range | 4 | 130 | Simple Data | Value is 16 times what DatEdit shows. |
00657678 | 210117 | Weapons.dat - Upgrade Bonus | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00657780 | 210183 | Weapons.dat - Splash Outer Radius | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00657888 | 210249 | Weapons.dat - Launch Spin | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00657910 | 210283 | Weapons.dat - Graphics X Offset | 1 | 130 | Simple Data | |
00657998 | 210317 | Weapons.dat - Target Flags | 2 | 130 | Simple Data | 0x001 Air 0x002 Ground 0x004 Mechanical 0x008 Organic 0… |
00657A9C | 210382 | Game Brightness | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Darkens the screen without affecting UI elements. Appears t… |
00657AA0 | 210383 | Fog of War Masks | 1 | 4096 | Backed By Code | Sets the brightness parts of the fog of war masks. Correspo… |
0065FC18 | 218669 | Units.dat - Max Hits (Air) | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | This value is for statistics purposes only (?) |
0065FD00 | 218727 | Units.dat - Gas Cost | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | |
0065FEC8 | 218841 | Units.dat - Armor | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | |
0065FFB0 | 218899 | Units.dat - "What" Sound Start | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | sfxdata.dat start index |
00660178 | 219013 | Units.dat - Computer AI Unit Type | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | "AI Internal" in DatEdit |
00660260 | 219071 | Units.dat - Map String | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | If this property is different from 0, the unit's name … |
00660428 | 219185 | Units.dat - Build Time | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | |
006605F0 | 219299 | Units.dat - Start Direction | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | "Direction unit will face after it is created. Values … |
006606D8 | 219357 | Units.dat - Brood War Flag | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | |
006607C0 | 219415 | Units.dat - Subunit 1 | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | 228 = None |
00660988 | 219529 | Units.dat - Transport Space Provided | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | |
00660A70 | 219587 | Units.dat - Dat Requirement Offset | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | u16 index of 0x00514178 (address is 0x00514178 + 2*this va… |
00660C38 | 219701 | Units.dat - Subunit 2 | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | Unused. |
00660E00 | 219815 | Units.dat - Shield Amount | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | |
00660FC8 | 219929 | Units.dat - Movement Flags | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | |
006610B0 | 219987 | Units.dat - Construction Animation | 4 | 228 | Simple Data | 0 = No graphics |
00661440 | 220215 | Units.dat - "Yes" Sound End | 2 | 106 | Simple Data | sfxdata.dat end index |
00661518 | 220269 | Units.dat - Staredit Availability Flags | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | 0x0001 - Non-Neutral 0x0002 - Unit Listing & Palette … |
006616E0 | 220383 | Units.dat - Air Weapon | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | Weapons.dat index |
006617C8 | 220441 | Units.dat - Unit Dimensions | 8 | 228 | Simple Data | Struct: 2 bytes - Left Dimension (from center) 2 bytes - … |
00661EE8 | 220897 | Units.dat - "Pissed" Sound End | 2 | 106 | Simple Data | sfxdata.dat end index |
00661FC0 | 220951 | Units.dat - "Ready" Sound | 2 | 106 | Simple Data | sfxdata.dat index |
00662098 | 221005 | Units.dat - Right-click Action | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | 0 = No commands/Auto Attack 1 = Normal movement/Normal Att… |
00662180 | 221063 | Units.dat - Size Class | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | 0 = Independent 1 = Small 2 = Medium 3 = Large |
00662268 | 221121 | Units.dat - Human Init Action | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | "Human Idle Action" in DatEdit Orders.dat index |
00662350 | 221179 | Units.dat - Max HP | 4 | 228 | Simple Data | Lowest byte is fractional part (*256) |
006626E0 | 221407 | Units.dat - Addon Placement | 4 | 96 | Simple Data | Struct: 2 bytes - X Pos 2 bytes - Y Pos Only exists fo… |
00662860 | 221503 | Units.dat - Building Dimensions | 4 | 228 | Simple Data | Struct: 2 bytes - Width 2 bytes - Height Setting to 0 … |
00662BF0 | 221731 | Units.dat - "What" Sound End | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | sfxdata.dat end index |
00662DB8 | 221845 | Units.dat - Seek Range | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | 1 range unit here = 2 range units in Weapons.dat. If the v… |
00662EA0 | 221903 | Units.dat - Computer Init Action | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | "Computer Idle" in DatEdit Orders.dat index |
00662F88 | 221961 | Units.dat - Portrait | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | 0xFFFF = No Portrait |
00663150 | 222075 | Units.dat - Elevation Level | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | Elevation Level |
00663238 | 222133 | Units.dat - Sight Range | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | Set value from 0-11. Values greater than 11 will crash. … |
00663320 | 222191 | Units.dat - Attack Unit Order | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | Orders.dat reference |
00663408 | 222249 | Units.dat - Build Score | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | |
006635D0 | 222363 | Units.dat - Armor Upgrade ID | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | Upgrades.dat index |
006636B8 | 222421 | Units.dat - Ground Weapon | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | weapons.dat reference |
006637A0 | 222479 | Units.dat - Group Flags | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | 0x01 - Zerg (Uses underlings, can build on creep) 0x02 - T… |
00663888 | 222537 | Units.dat - Mineral Cost | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | |
00663A50 | 222651 | Units.dat - Attack Move Order ID | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | Orders.dat index |
00663B38 | 222709 | Units.dat - "Pissed" Sound Start | 2 | 106 | Simple Data | sfxdata.dat start index |
00663C10 | 222763 | Units.dat - "Yes" Sound Start | 2 | 107 | Simple Data | sfxdata.dat start index |
00663CE8 | 222817 | Units.dat - Supply Used | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | Value here is twice what you see in-game. (Hence why 2 Zerg… |
00663DD0 | 222875 | Units.dat - Rank/Sublabel | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | "Controls ground units movement: units with lower Rank… |
00663EB8 | 222933 | Units.dat - Kill Score | 2 | 228 | Simple Data | Kill Score |
00664080 | 223047 | Units.dat - Advanced Flags | 4 | 228 | Simple Data | 0x00000001 - Building 0x00000002 - Addon 0x00000004 - Fly… |
00664410 | 223275 | Units.dat - Transport Space Required | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | |
006644F8 | 223333 | Units.dat - Graphics (Flingy ID) | 1 | 228 | Backed By Code | flingy.dat index |
006645E0 | 223391 | Units.dat - Max Hits (Ground) | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | This value is for statistics purposes only (?) |
006646C8 | 223449 | Units.dat - Supply Provided | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | The value is twice what you see in-game. |
006647B0 | 223507 | Units.dat - Has Shields | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | Example: Unset "has shields" for Protoss Observat… |
00664898 | 223565 | Units.dat - Idle Order | 1 | 228 | Simple Data | "Return to Idle" in DatEdit Orders.dat index |
00664980 | 223623 | Units.dat - Infestation Unit | 2 | 96 | Simple Data | Only exists for buildings (First entry is 106 Command Cente… |
00664A40 | 223671 | Orders.dat - Unknown 4 | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00664B00 | 223719 | Orders.dat - Use Weapon Targetting | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00664BC0 | 223767 | Orders.dat - Unknown 12 | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00664C80 | 223815 | Orders.dat - Unknown 11 | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00664D40 | 223863 | Orders.dat - Animation | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | 0 = Initial 1 = Death 2 = Ground Attack - Initial 3 = Ai… |
00664E00 | 223911 | Orders.dat - Energy Technology | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | Techdata.dat index for energy |
00664EC0 | 223959 | Orders.dat - Highlight Button ID | 2 | 189 | Simple Data | cmdicons.grp frame index or 0xFFFF for none. |
00665040 | 224055 | Orders.dat - Can Be Interrupted | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00665100 | 224103 | Orders.dat - Unknown 7 | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
006651C0 | 224151 | Orders.dat - Unknown 9 | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00665280 | 224199 | Orders.dat - Label ID | 2 | 189 | Simple Data | Doesn't do anything. |
00665400 | 224295 | Orders.dat - Obscured Order | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | Orders.dat index "Order to be run if the target is ob… |
006654C0 | 224343 | Orders.dat - Can Be Obstructed? | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00665580 | 224391 | Orders.dat - Dat Reqs Offset | 2 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00665700 | 224487 | Orders.dat - Can Be Queued | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
006657C0 | 224535 | Orders.dat - Unknown 5 | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00665880 | 224583 | Orders.dat - Targeting | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | Weapons.dat index "Weapon used by the order to determ… |
00665940 | 224631 | Orders.dat - Order is Secondary | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | Order goes in bSecondaryOrderID instead of bMainOrderID. |
00665A00 | 224679 | Orders.dat - Unknown 3 | 1 | 189 | Simple Data | |
00665AC0 | 224727 | Sprites.dat - Selection Circle | 1 | 387 | Read Only | Images.dat reference starting at index 561. Starts on spri… |
00665C48 | 224825 | Sprites.dat - Visible | 1 | 517 | Simple Data | |
00665E50 | 224955 | Sprites.dat - HP Bar Length | 1 | 387 | Read Only | Starts on Sprites.dat ID 130. |
00665FD8 | 225053 | Sprites.dat - Selection Vertical Offset | 1 | 387 | Read Only | Starts on Sprites.dat ID 130. |
00666160 | 225151 | Sprites.dat - Image Index | 2 | 517 | Backed By Code | Images.dat index |
00666570 | 225411 | Sprites.dat - Unknown | 1 | 517 | Simple Data | Unknown flag. |
00666778 | 225541 | Images.dat - Landing Dust Overlay | 4 | 999 | Read Only | images.tbl lo? index |
00667718 | 226541 | Images.dat - Draw If Cloaked | 1 | 999 | Simple Data | |
00667B00 | 226791 | Images.dat - Special Overlay | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Images.tbl lo? index |
00668AA0 | 227791 | Images.dat - GRP File | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Images.tbl grp index |
00669A40 | 228791 | Images.dat - Drawing Function (Remapping Table) | 1 | 999 | Simple Data | 0 - normal 1 - doesn't draw hallucination 2 - non-vi… |
00669E28 | 229041 | Images.dat - Remapping Table (Drawing Function) | 1 | 999 | Backed By Code | If Drawing Function is 9: 0 = No remapping 1 = ofire.pc… |
0066A210 | 229291 | Images.dat - Damage Overlay | 4 | 999 | Read Only | Images.tbl lof pointer |
0066B1B0 | 230291 | Images.dat - Attack Overlay | 4 | 999 | Read Only | images.dat lo? index |
0066C150 | 231291 | Images.dat - Clickable | 1 | 999 | Simple Data | |
0066C538 | 231541 | Images.dat - Sheilds Overlay | 4 | 999 | Read Only | None = 0 Small = 133 Medium = 2 Large = 184 |
0066D4D8 | 232541 | Images.dat - Use Full Iscript | 1 | 999 | Simple Data | |
0066D8C0 | 232791 | Images.dat - Lift-off Dust Overlay | 4 | 999 | Read Only | images.tbl lod index |
0066E860 | 233791 | Images.dat - Graphics Turns | 1 | 999 | Simple Data | |
0066EC48 | 234041 | Images.dat - Iscript ID | 4 | 999 | Backed By Code | Iscript.bin ID |
0068C104 | 264040 | AIScript pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | |
0068C108 | 264041 | BWScript pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | |
0068C144 | 264056 | Send Message Type | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Can be used to check if send message box is open (At Least … |
0068C14C | 264058 | Current Button Set | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | The button set ID of the currently selected single unit. Th… |
0068C1F4 | 264100 | TranWire.grp pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | Overwriting a particular unit's frame offset with a di… |
0068C1FC | 264102 | GrpWire.grp Pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | Overwriting a particular unit's frame offset with a di… |
0068C204 | 264104 | Wirefram.grp Pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | Overwriting a particular unit's frame offset with a di… |
0068C448 | 264249 | Sfxdata.dat - minVolume | 1 | 1144 | | Unknown 4 |
0068C8C0 | 264535 | Sfxdata.dat - Flags | 1 | 1144 | | Value is some combination of: - 1 preload - 2 unitSpeech … |
0068CD38 | 264821 | Sfxdata.dat - lengthAdjust | 2 | 1144 | | Unknown 3 |
0068D628 | 265393 | Sfxdata.dat - Priority | 1 | 1144 | | Unknown 1 |
0068DAA0 | 265679 | Sfxdata.dat - Sound file | 4 | 1144 | | Direct pointer to SFXData.tbl string. This can be changed a… |
006C9858 | 326973 | Flingy.dat - Movement Control | 1 | 209 | Simple Data | 0 = Flingy.dat Control 1 = Partially Mobile, Weapon 2 = I… |
006C9930 | 327027 | Flingy.dat - Halt Distance | 4 | 209 | Simple Data | Measured in pixels*256 |
006C9C78 | 327237 | Flingy.dat - Acceleration | 2 | 209 | Simple Data | Measured in pixels-per-frame. |
006C9E20 | 327343 | Flingy.dat - Turn Radius | 1 | 209 | Simple Data | |
006C9EF8 | 327397 | Flingy.dat - Top Speed | 4 | 209 | Simple Data | Measured in pixels-per-frame, but written as "Speed*(3… |
006CA240 | 327607 | Flingy.dat - Unused | 1 | 209 | Simple Data | Unused in DatEdit |
006CA318 | 327661 | Flingy.dat - Sprite Index | 2 | 209 | Simple Data | Sprites.dat index |
006CA94D | 328058 | Displayed HP | 4 | 1 | | The current HP of the selected unit. |
006CA9F0 | 328099 | Unit being Produced | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Set value to 1 to detect any unit currently being trained o… |
006CDDC0 | 331415 | Mouse Button State | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | 2: Left button pressed. 8: Right button pressed. 32: Middle… |
006CDDC4 | 331416 | Mouse Coordinate X | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Relative to the screen. |
006CDDC8 | 331417 | Mouse Coordinate Y | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Relative to the screen. |
006CDFD4 | 331548 | Game Speed | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | The current game speed. The values are as follows: 0 = S… |
006CDFE0 | 331551 | Music Volume | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | 0-100 for music volume Note: SC:R no longer uses this add… |
006CDFE4 | 331552 | Digital Volume | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | 0-100 for sound volume Note: SC:R no longer uses this add… |
006D0C68 | 334401 | Creep Tile Backup Buffer | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Pointer to the u16 buffer that stores the tile IDs of tiles… |
006D0C6C | 334402 | Tile Buffer Height | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Copy of Map Height? |
006D0C70 | 334403 | Tile Function Pointers | 4 | 4 | Unsupported | 0x006D0C70 -> 0x0047E2D0 -- refreshes map tiles for draw… |
006D0E80 | 334535 | Creep Overlay Buffer | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Pointer to u8 flags relating to the creep overlay for each … |
006D0E84 | 334536 | Active Tile Buffer | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Pointer to u16 array of active map tiles. |
006D0F08 | 334569 | Tile Buffer Width | 4 | 1 | Unsupported | Copy of Map Width |
006D0F30 | 334579 | Replay Header | 633 | 1 | Read Only | https://github.com/bwapi/bwapi/blob/master/bwapi/BWAPI/Sour… |
006D0F30 | 334579 | Replay Header - Is Broodwar | 1 | 1 | Read Only | |
006D0F31 | 334579 | Replay Header - Frame Count | 4 | 1 | Read Only | |
006D0F35 | 334580 | Replay Header - Campaign ID | 2 | 1 | Read Only | |
006D0F37 | 334580 | Replay Header - Command ID | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct gameSeed |
006D0F38 | 334581 | Replay Header - Rand Seed | 4 | 1 | Read Only | struct gameSeed. Unix time on game start.(The number of sec… |
006D0F3C | 334582 | Replay Header - Player Bytes | 1 | 8 | Read Only | struct gameSeed |
006D0F44 | 334584 | Replay Header - Unknown_0 | 4 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F48 | 334585 | Replay Header - 해당 플레이어 이름 | 25 | 1 | Read Only | 게임 제목? "This is the name that the host has ch… |
006D0F60 | 334591 | Replay Header - Game flags | 4 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F64 | 334592 | Replay Header - MapSize | 2 | 2 | Read Only | 2Byte MapWidth 2Byte MapHeight struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F68 | 334593 | Replay Header - Active Player Count | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F69 | 334593 | Replay Header - Available Slots | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F6A | 334593 | Replay Header - Game Speed | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F6B | 334593 | Replay Header - Game State | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F6C | 334594 | Replay Header - Game Type | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F6D | 334594 | Replay Header - Unknown_1 | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F6E | 334594 | Replay Header - Game Subtype | 2 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F70 | 334595 | Replay Header - Seed (Unused) | 4 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F74 | 334596 | Replay Header - Tileset | 2 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F76 | 334596 | Replay Header - Autosaved | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F77 | 334596 | Replay Header- Computer Player Count | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F78 | 334597 | Replay Header - Game Name | 1 | 25 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0F91 | 334603 | Replay Header - Map Name | 1 | 24 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader |
006D0FB1 | 334611 | Replay Header - Game Type | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FB2 | 334611 | Replay Header - Unknown | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FB3 | 334611 | Replay Header - Subtype | 2 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FB5 | 334612 | Replay Header - Subtype display | 2 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FB7 | 334612 | Replay Header - Subtype Label | 2 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FB9 | 334613 | Replay Header - Victory Condition | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FBA | 334613 | Replay Header - Resource Type | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FBB | 334613 | Replay Header - Use Standard Units | 1 | 1 | Read Only | boolean struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FBC | 334614 | Replay Header - Fog of War (Unused) | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FBD | 334614 | Replay Header - Starting Units | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FBE | 334614 | Replay Header - Use Fixed Positions | 1 | 1 | Read Only | boolean struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FBF | 334614 | Replay Header - Usage Restriction Flags | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FC0 | 334615 | Replay Header - Allies Allowed | 1 | 1 | Read Only | boolean struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FC1 | 334615 | Replay Header - Teams | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FC2 | 334615 | Replay Header - Cheats | 1 | 1 | Read Only | boolean struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FC3 | 334615 | Replay Header - Tournament Mode | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FC4 | 334616 | Replay Header - Victory Condition Value | 4 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FC8 | 334617 | Replay Header - Resources Value | 4 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FCC | 334618 | Replay Header - Unused value | 4 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FD0 | 334619 | Replay Header - Extra | 1 | 1 | Read Only | struct networkGameHeader.gameTemplateInfo |
006D0FD1 | 334619 | Replay Header - Player Entries | 36 | 12 | Read Only | Unfortunately this struct is not dword-aligned. +0 - u32… |
006D1181 | 334727 | Replay Header - Player Colors | 4 | 8 | Read Only | |
006D11A1 | 334735 | Replay Header - Player Force Data | 1 | 8 | Read Only | |
006D1200 | 334759 | iscript.bin pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | |
006D1238 | 334773 | stat_txt.tbl pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | |
006D1260 | 334783 | Tile Flags Pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | Pointer to (Map Width)x(Map Height) array of u32 flags: 0x… |
006D5A6C | 339394 | Cheat Flags | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | Setting cheat flags will work in multiplayer games, but may… |
006D5BB0 | 339475 | Music ID | 4 | 1 | | Change this value and toggle music and it will play a diffe… |
006D5BBE | 339478 | Minimap State | 4 | 1 | | Minimap State - Pressing Tab, Shift+tab changes this 0x00 … |
006D5EC8 | 339673 | CV5 Pointer | 4 | 1 | Backed By Code | |
1505E670 | 86724803 | Storm Graphics Palette | 4 | 256 | Read Only | |
19046138 | 103477109 | Battle.snp Join Channel | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |
1904613C | 103477110 | Battle.snp Join Channel | 4 | 1 | Simple Data | |