Units.dat - Group Flags

Player ID222479 (Byte Offset: 0)
SC:RSimple Data

0x01 - Zerg (Uses underlings, can build on creep)

0x02 - Terran (Uses Supply, has sublabel, buildings will burn)

0x04 - Protoss (Uses Psi)

0x08 - Men

0x10 - Building

0x20 - Factory

0x40 - Independent

0x80 - Neutral


Set Protoss Observatory as Terran and Unset Protoss so it will burn and can be repaired.

Protoss Observatory Units.dat Index = 159 = 0x9F

0x006637A0 + 0x9F = 0x0066383F

0x0066383F is not divisible by 4, next lowest multiple of 4 = 0x0066383C

Therefore, modify 0xFF00000 at 0x0066383C to hit 0x0066383F

// set Protoss Observatory Terran

MemoryAddr(0x0066383C, Add, 0x02000000);

// unset Protoss Observatory Protoss

MemoryAddr(0x0066383C, Subtract, 0x04000000);